kohenet. artist. educator.


Riv is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, vocalist, and Jewish ritual musician.


Jewish Musical Leadership

Riv has served as a ritual musician with several Bay Area organizations, including Wilderness Torah, Urban Adamah, Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute, Congregation Beth Shalom, Jewish Studio Project, and Eden Village West. They’re an experienced songleader on vocals, guitar and percussion, and have served as a shaliach tzibbur and chazzan/cantor for the High Holidays with Jewish Studio Project and Congregation Beth Shalom. "Slow Down", their feminist adaptation of the Avinu Malkeinu melody, has traveled across religious and continental boundaries to be sung in communities across the world. Riv is a 2021-2022 Rising Song Fellow with the Hadar Institute and Joey Weisenberg. To inquire about Zoom and outdoor socially-distant leadership or songwriting commissions, contact Riv here.

Original Music

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For exclusive downloads, videos and music previews, join Riv’s Patreon starting at $1/month: patreon.com/rivshapiro